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  1. I think that I can communicate with the EIM 3255 using a EWON Flexy over Modbus TCP? Has anyone attempted this? I have used EWON with Siemens and Omron but they was PLCs
  2. Hello, We are trying to read our KWH usage using modbus from a IEM 3255 Power Meter. Has anyone ever done this? I have used Modbus with Omron Inverters before but this is a new concept for me. Any advice would be appreciated. Regards Peter
  3. Thanks for the replies and certainly food for thought. I will replace the three Output Cards that we use. We inherited the programme and in fairness we didnt have much trouble with it until recently. We will also put a counter on all our conveyor sensors as advised. Many Thanks
  4. denise01

    CJ2M 13

    Hello, My plant has a Stretchwrap Machine that has a CJ2M 11 containing a standard ladder diagram programme, a SFC and four Function Blocks. I have enclosed the programme. Randomly we are experiencing pallets behaving erratically on the conveyors and strange events on the wrapping turntable. the sensors all look okay so I am wondering whether the programme is randomly causing the SFC section to give an errant signal. I am thinking of upgrading our PLC to a CJ2M 13. Has anyone had experience of anything like this? Im maybe clutching at straws because my engineers cant see anything obvious. Regards Peter Stretchwrap_CPU11140423.cxp
  5. Hello, We are trying to download a safety programme into our recently acquired PNOZ m1p Controller but the lead that connects our PC to the RS 232 Port is unavailable. Does anyone know how the lead is wired so we can make a temporary lead until the proper ones become available? Regards Peter
  6. Thanks for your help. In the end I did the number field with a Single setting and 7 decimal places and it now logs every minute showing a floating point reading. Regards
  7. Will that help? Think version 4.2 is out but will it provide us with better options with regards to Floating Points?
  8. Hi again Bertie, This afternoon I tried the decimals setting in the Access database but after I had saved as Access 2000 I ran in Runtime but found that the data wouldn't log. I basically save the database as a 2000 file to my companies cloud type drive and log data at 1 minute intervals. I have managed to log data using IEE Floating Point but it rounds up or down the value instead of showing a decimal point. All other numbers and Real values log ok it's just the floating point values. If I use anything other than Access 2000 then the database is not recognised in Supervisor
  9. Hi Bertie. If I set a point in Supervisor as Real which is the settings for the floating point. I have tried IEE Floating but that's not right.
  10. Hi Bertie. Happy New Year to you. I have CX Supervisor version 3.50 and after compiling a 2016 Access Database when I try to connect through CX Supervisor the Database isn't recognised. It will recognise Access 2000 but of course that does not support Floating Point. It's maybe the way that I am saving the Database but I only get four options. We use Office 365 so maybe a problem there. Regards
  11. Hello, Our version of CX Supervisor uses Microsoft Access 2000 for logging data. My management want to display the amount of waste we are making as a percentage to be logged every minute. I have done all the maths and the answer is stored in a Data Memory area as a floating point eg 2.187%. I would like this to be displayed in a live Access Field but Access 2000 will only allow me to display as an Integer eg 2 or 3% etc. Does anyone know if there is a work around or if a later version of Developer uses a later version of Access that would allow a floating point value to be displayed. Regards Peter
  12. Although my PC recognises the Brainbox com port the CJ1M doesn't recognise it as a port when I try to remotely connect using Sysmac Way via the Hostlink Port. A Omron manual for EWON talks about using Fins whereas the Brainbox uses Raw TCP. Wonder if this is the problem here? I take it nobody has used a Brainbox Serial to Ethernet Converter with a CJ1M? Regards
  13. Aww many thanks. Have never done this before. Regards
  14. Aww I think it is a similar thing to a Ewon 500 that I once used as a remote virtual port. Will consult the won Omron guide as am sure it will advise me. Think it uses TCP on Hostlink Port
  15. Hi Crossbow, It has given me a Com Port of 118 but not sure how to connect to the PLC. Will it be like a Bluetooth Dongle so via Toolbus using baud rate as displayed. I want to really use it for SCADA so data collection.
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