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lostcontrol last won the day on August 28 2023

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  1. There is TST.. https://forums.mrplc.com/index.php?/topic/42330-test-bit-instruction/
  2. Crossbow is right If you need a deterministic update, using a CP1L for RemoteIO is not the way to go. saying that, you should be able to get updates from a CP1L using FINS within 500ms. (I can probably validate this) I wouldn’t be using those FBs if there more than 1x instance required..
  3. You don’t need to set a delay necessarily (although a small one won’t hurt), but check/wait for the port to be not busy/InUse
  4. nd designer.? Or do you mean NB designer? I know there is a test tool, but can remember if it connects to the cx-p simulator
  5. so just tested this & looks to be something I can work with. you must match the leading characters, rather than a string inside the name. (ie. We have the 3241_1 (xyz) as the name), but xyz cannot be used.. Either way, is something better!!
  6. Is that documented anywhere.?
  7. Hi, Does anyone attempt to use the project name search? Is there any tips to getting it to do what you want? Whenever I try to use it, it does not match/filter the project names in the order requested. If I have projects named 3451_1 (X12), 3451_2 (X13) etc & I put in 3451_1, it returns both because of the X13 .. Is there anyway to improve this, as is very frustrating..
  8. Yep, I would agree about the CJ series of firmware update. such a shame omron never adapted the option for this series
  9. Why must you use CMND..? edit: just read the post in the link. So you are wanting to use a master plc to set/sync the time of the remote PLCs via FINScommands
  10. Have you cycled power to PLC after changing the settings?
  11. PMCR / Michael Walsh be the best to reply here, but sounds like the PLC is keeping the socket open perhaps or the disconnect/close command in your api is not succeeding what PLC are you trying to connect/test with.? The smaller bricks only have 3x sockets available ..
  12. Why is it that Sysmac requires so much disk space for an update to occur.? my VM had ~11gb spare (90gb size..) & it would not install the update due to requiring 13gb free. I managed to clean some space to complete & final disk size had not increased by that amount. does it do some sort of ISO mount/un-mount?
  13. Hmm, maybe I forgot to send. Have just done again now I thought I would make the attempt at uploading files, but forum failed on me
  14. i have sent you a PM, can you email me?
  15. We had an issue where the port was locking up & could not work out why, so implemented a reset like this. as it turned out, it was a configuration issue that was not obvious couple with our HMI comms method that caused the lockup.
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