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About sirius0

  • Birthday 04/03/1963

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  1. Hi all, Does anyone know any good resources for programming a MOV-PLC? I have SEW's manual but it is hard going and there seems little more than advertisements posing as 'Demos" on Youtube. Thanks ChrisG
  2. Hi All, I would like some recommendations for software that will allow me to enter an RS485 network and see packets and/or display nodes etc. For example I have a little RS485 network that has some encoder interfaces (SSI/RS422 to DRIVECOM on RS485 and wireless receivers using MODBUS all on the same RS485 network) and wireless receivers using different protocols on the same RS485 network. Alternatively are there advanced commands for doing the same using terminal software? Thank you. Regards Chris
  3. Yes you are correct. Sorry everyone but I had made progress and not posted. I have actually used the CPS command and pointed it to the first 16 bit word, I set the Length to 32 bits so that the second word would be picked up the destination is a REAL. The REAL in Allen Bradley is a IEEE754 as well so it worked straight up. i used CPS instead of COP as the bit pattern with COP can be updated during the read. In the IEEE754 the eight bits after the sign bit are actually a two's compliment (or 127 bias) exponent AND the value is normalized. This all means that the smallest change in data is a large shuffle to the bit pattern. If the mantissa has been copied whilst the exponent has changed to suit another mantissa then there is a big change to the value if not an error. CPS freezes the data whilst reading and is this instance a lot more reliable. Chris
  4. Ok sixty three views so maybe some are interested but have nothing to say. So i will journal my progress here. I now have the JUMO receiver set up and i get probe IDs transferred to the PLC. The temperature of a probe comes across as well, however, it is a 32bit float. This gets dumped into two 16bit consecutive tags on the MCM tag list. The second tags MSB is the signing bit, the next eight bits are the exponent followed by a 23bit (24th bit is inferred, this is a IEEE754 32 bit float) mantissa. I need to extract a decimal to 2 places after the decimal point.. Any suggestions as to what commands to use? Regards Chris
  5. Hi All, I am trying to setup a JUMO wireless temperature probe receiver to get data into a ControlLogix PLC via a ProSoft card. When I checked status on the ProSoft card (MVI56-MCM), via hyperterm, I found that I have the card visible (node 20). Also I seem to have all the connections settings correct. But I believe I am having device address and/or Internal address issues. Has anyone set one of these up before? I would really be interested in a sample list of what was entered against the MCM tags to get it reading. Thank you. Chris
  6. Thank you. I learn't a lot from this problem. The remote IO was failed. It only existed because the manufacturer had various accessories that could be attached to the main machine. We only use one accessory so we have run a multicore and reprogrammed to use local IO only. Chris
  7. Thank you, very informative. i will post how I go.
  8. Hi, I am having difficulty with a CQM1 PLC. I am trying to understand how the serial remote IO is mapped. i keep seeing these -|| |- What are they? I am also trying to figure out what address ranges mean what. I have downloaded a few manuals and as I am trying to fix a machine I am time slicing between these and looking at the code. It looks like normal outputs start at 100.00. I have a CQM!-SRM21-V1 master unit and two single byte remote units. One input and one output. Physically a byte each; set up for the same node which apparently is OK. The master is in slot 5 (first slot is zero) trying with an un-commented program to figure out what addresses the remotes would use. Advice, document reference or link, or sympathy appreciated. :) Thanks Chris
  9. I am looking through various manuals on the Kinetix 6000 drives. As yet I cannot find a maximum length of cable for these drives (the tails between the drive and the servo motor) Does anyone know this up-front? Would you be able to point me in the right direction? We have a need to move our servo as much as 30metres extra route length, close to 50 metres overall. ( 164' ) Thank you. Regards Chris
  10. Yes no doubt it is straight forward once found. I use the date as part of the name. Perhaps the run at start up option has to be toggled? i shall try this. I found that toggling worked for the RSlinx Enterprise settings even though what was selected looked right i had to unselect and select again before it would work. I have been loading via the CFlash card at the external memory slot or loading from internal memory once it is in there. Shortly I will try the transfer utillity (initially I had two HMIs and did not know which had what IP address so I used the flash and also noted the IPs whilst in the config). I am a complete beginner WRT panelview but I expect to get through it is only a computer and I am one of the 10 types that does understand binary. I even understand ternary after I waited for the bus.
  11. I have a new runtime for a panelview 700. I can load it and it runs well. However when it resets or has a power outage it returns to the original project. What do I need to change to get the new runtime to load at power up? Thanks Chris
  12. Well I have been migrating PLC, VSD, and HMI to new IPs and getting them to talk to oneanother a few times now. QED!! Thank you all for your help.
  13. Thank you, very useful comments and clues.
  14. Panel View Plus 700 compactlogix L32E powerflex 40 DSI with 22-comm-e DSI to ethernet interface.
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