Hi Every one,
I have two 2198-P070 bus power supplies for that I’m using for four Kinetix drives, 2 drives per power supply, all controlled by one processor (5069-L350ERMS2). I have an enable contactor setup for each power supply for each set of drives. I have them configured as DC bus groups 1 and 2 respectively. I had the first set of drives working, setup inside the motion group, with no issues. When I added the second power supply and drives. I found that when I added them to the motion group I couldn’t get the enable contactor to close for the first set of drives. I f I took them out of the motion group and made them ungrouped then the first contactor would close but then I couldn’t get the contactor on the second set to close. Do you have any thoughts as to what I might be missing to get these to work? See the screen shots for more detail. Let me know what you think.
Also, I have heard that only one motion group is allowed per PLC, but my question is : Can I use sevral axes and Power units in the same motion group?