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    United States

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  1. Just came back to this website . Never is tool late . Still love to learn everything about Unity . Lookng forward to see your respond. My email is : Shararehmirbagheri@yahoo.com.
  2. I have an Old OIT (Brand name is IDEC) which the screen is dead. I ve got an other OIT To replace it . but I need the progrgram to be donload from the previous one and upload to the new one. Does anybody know which software I can program IDEC OIT ? Any help? Appreciated. Sarah.
  3. How to Export Vijeo Variables to an Excel Sheet? Thanks
  4. BMX PRA 0100 yes , you are right i need "BMX PRA 0100" which i'm going to ask Design department change their equipment and instead of " NOE 100.2" give me one of "BMX PRA 0100".in order for me to program two cabinets(one with PLC and the other with out PLC- just remote I/O).
  5. I have a rack with PLC and Ethernet card and I/O cards . I have an other rack with out PLC , Just I/O cards and Ethernet . I must be able to read the data from other rack through ethernet . How to config those external card into my plc . M340 Ethernet Remote I/O Any help or link or pdf is appreciated in advanced. Thanks
  6. How to save vijeo Project on other Version of this program (lower Verion)? Any Help Appreciated.
  7. Admin , Please Give me respond . i need it today.
  8. Dear All. I need an Instructor to teach me Unity Pro XL Programming used in M340. I am willing to pay whatever you ask for it. It can also be off line by Emails or whatever your Schedule works best. I need a coach trough out my Start and competition of the project. Thanks in advance.
  9. Any one have a simple Lead /lag pump FBD in Unity? just want to take a looke at the process. Thanks in Advanced
  10. I don't have the access to system Menu. Please instruct.
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