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  1. w473_cj2_cpu_units_software_users_manual_en.pdf Section "10-2-3 Monitoring the Cycle Time" of the above manual will show you the maximum, current scan time in 0.1 ms, current scan time in 0.01 ms. These settings are in the "Auxiliary Area Flags and Words" area. Regards, Garry
  2. Hi Anne, Omron has an MQTT application library. This will connect you to a broker. Links currently do not work in this forum. Please do an internet search. If your controller is not capable of MQTT but has Modbus, you can use a Stride MQTT Gateway device. This will convert MQTT / Mobus RTU and Modbus TCP back and forth to the broker. Regards, Garry
  3. Hi Abdul, Please look at the SPED instruction in the operation manual. This will allow you to stop and then continue. Regards, Garry
  4. Thank you for following through and posting the answer. This benefits everyone. Regards, Garry
  5. Can you post a picture of what you are trying to do? Regards, Garry
  6. Hi saruans, Bits of words (example: %MWx:X where X is the offset of the bit) Try %MX100:0 Regards, Garry
  7. +1 OkiePC Divide by 10 and then multiply by 10. This will ensure that the fourth decimal place is always 0. Regards, Garry
  8. https://accautomation.ca/omron-cp1h-advancedhmi-communication/ The above post may help you out. AdvancedHMI can communicate to many devices. The Omron PLCs can communicate Host Link (C Mode Commands) Serial – RS232, RS485, RS422. It can also communicate Ethernet FINS. AdvancedHMI is written in VB.net and runs on visual studio. Here is a link to show you how to then communicate to an excel spreadsheet. https://www.tutorialspoint.com/vb.net/vb.net_excel_sheet.htm Regards, Garry
  9. Hi Jorge, The built-in peripheral USB port is for connecting support software only. The protocol is not published. Regards, Garry
  10. Hi Steve, In the Omron controller, the data types are dependant on the address in the model. I would refer to the manual of the PLC model you are programming. Here is a quick start guide that I find helpful for CX-Programmer. https://assets.omron.eu/downloads/manual/en/v2/r132_cx-programmer_fb_library_getting_started_guide_en.pdf I hope this may help. Regards, Garry
  11. Hi Chris, How are you connecting to the PLC to the PT unit? • Connect to the CPU Unit’s built-in RS-232C port. • Connect to the peripheral port through a CS1W-CN118 Connecting Cable. • Connect to the RS-232C port (port 1) on a Serial Communications Board. It sounds like the PLC Settings are not set in the PLC. See the following manual on Page 45. " PC Setup Settings " http://www.farnell.com/datasheets/1697015.pdf Have you tried lowing the baud rate in order to see if communication errors still exist? What are your communication settings? Regards, Garry
  12. Hi lizard, Yes, your 0V would go to the common on the PLC input. This would be NPN. http://www.plctalk.net/qanda/showthread.php?t=27796 " The S/S terminal is used to configure the unit inputs for sinking or sourcing signals (all at once).The inputs themselves are polarity-insensitive and S/S is their common.When the S/S is connected to the logic ground, the inputs react on sourcing signals (PNP sensors).When it is connected to the logic power (typically +24VDC) the inputs react on sinking signals (NPN sensors). " Here is the hardware manual: https://dl.mitsubishielectric.com/dl/fa/document/manual/plc_fx/jy992d66301/jy992d66301s.pdf I hope this helps you out. Regards, Garry
  13. Hi Akhan, I would give automation direct a call and see if you can get a board for your unit. https://www.directautomation.com.au/media/catalog-pdf/DR-Drives.pdf Regards, Garry
  14. Thanks Simon, This makes sense once I looked at the app on my phone. The simulator is looking good. Can you include a save option sooner? This would greatly increase the usability of the simulator especially if you want to promote working samples. The save can be to a unique web address so the program can be viewed and modified. This would allow individuals time to work out the program and show the work. Keep up the good work! Garry
  15. Hi Simon, I like what you have developed so far. The timers and counter work well. When I am monitoring variables when running the program, it would be nice to be able to arrange them in the order for the logic I'm testing. It would also be nice to have the choice where the variable section is on the screen. (I would prefer the variables on the left or right side of the screen.) Looking good! Thanks, Simon Garry
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