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About electric101

  • Birthday 01/20/1982

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    Automation of course. Alabama football. family. the lake.

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  1. well when i really looked back it was only ever a DINT on 1756, my 1769's are SINT. so what the hell do you do with the other 16 bits on 1756? lol
  2. I'm wondering if it's just something with the 1756 cards because when I add an ib8 point IO card it's just 8 bits. If anyone has an idea I'm really curious about this now.
  3. I'm building a program from scratch for the first time in awhile and I'm noticing after adding an OA16 card that I have 32 bits of output data and the data type is a DINT. I'm using version 30 now and when I open some of my older programs in ver.15 I notice those 16 bit cards are SINT and only have 16 bits of output data as I'd expect. What gives, why am I seeing 32 bits for this 16 bit card?
  4. Hi, I'm attempting to convert some old Siemens workshop 505 code to control logix and i have basically no siemens experience at all and i'm confused as to how to tell what actual output card X1 or X2085 is referencing?? same with inputs.
  5. Gerry, the 8 point flex module is connected to the softlogix processor using a 1784 PCIDS (PCI devicenet scanner card in the PC) I used rsnetworks for devicenet to add the modules to the 1794 devicenet adapter and then added it to the scanlist of the 1784 scanner. I then added the devicenet scanner to my rslogix 5000 project and it automatically mapped an array of DINTS [123] I say all of that so that you know exactly what I have and know that a lot of what you say may seem like common knowledge to you guys but I've not had 1 day of actual training on PLC's or had anyone around me that knew them that I could learn from. everything I know has been from reading online, playing with the 2 that I have in my lab and 8 months of work experience with them. so, are you saying that with the copy instruction I had on the valve with a length of 2 I was actually copying 2 bytes or 16 bits of the Valve001 UDT (even though it isn't that big) ? is there anyway to stagger where the data is copied to in a DINT. like if I wanted to copy 1 byte (8bits) from some other DINT into Local:1:O.Data[1] but I didn't want it to start on the first byte of the Local:1:O.Data[1] .... say I wanted it to copy it to the 2nd byte so that I could map the first byte using XIC. thanks!
  6. Greetings, I'm here in my home lab trying to acquire a working knowledge of UDT's. I've had to work with them in the past in large existing programs and they were a pain to track down and find out what IO they were really controlling. I have a decent understanding of what they are and I've created several to play with here using my softlogix processor and a digital flex IO rack. My issue starts when i'm trying connect my UDT's to the physical IO. it looks like I cant use a simple move instruction (which would be way too easy and exactly what I need) I have a flex IO 8 point output. Local:1:O.Data[0] I have a UDT consisting of (see attachment) Valve001 Valve001.Out Valve001.Out.OPEN Valve001.Out.CLOSE Valve001.In Valve001.In.OPEN Valve001.In.CLOSED I have a copy instruction set to copy Valve001 to Local:1:O.Data[0] Length 2 that allows the Out.Open and Out.Close UDT's to control bits 0 and 1 of the 8 bit output . .... great. Now I have another UDT setup to control lighting... Door Door.Out.OPEN Door.Out.CLOSE I want to control bits 2 and 3 I make another copy instruction in a line before the original copy instruction that states Copy Door to Local:1:O.Data[0] Length 4 but i'm really just fighting for the same 2 bits that the valve controls.... how can I control bits 2 and 3 for the door/lighting logic using these UDT's? and that's not yet getting into having physical inputs moved/copied to the UDT input bits. thanks!!
  7. our company has done it on the 1794 without RSLINX interfacing to QNX based controller.... we have at least 100 sites with this setup. of course there is no telling how much time and effort went into making this happen.
  8. thanks guys, I love learning cool stuff like that.
  9. Thanks nehpets, that was just the inspiration I needed I think. I didn't understand the adding 1 to an index but check out what I have now, I think it gets done what I need... i'll just have to extract the data each month before the rollover. thanks again
  10. here is an image of the part of the code im working on.... this was all designed and modified years ago by germans and the only modifications I've made so far is adding the system clock on line 40
  11. Im working on a way to reset a RTO (retentative timer) that counts how long a motor runs above alarm current levels and keeps a record of the highest current recorded... currently it just counts forever but I want to reset it each month... and to possibly move data into monthly registers to evaluate and compare. I have my GSV setup monitoring the clock and am trying to think of a way to monitor my WALLCLOCK[1] DINT that houses the month (Currently 2) I want to trigger a reset anytime that DINT changes state.... any ideas??
  12. this particular motor isn't driven by a VFD and consistently pulls about 38amps per leg and was tripping a 50amp breaker... looking at the drawings I found that the original breaker was sized at 63amps. I'm hoping I can monitor the current pull on the HMI like the other motors that are driven by danfoss drives and that I can add a bit of logic to latch a bit and let me know exactly when the breaker trips if it trips again with the correct breaker. thanks for the help
  13. Greetings, I've been having some issues with a vacuum pump breaker tripping... I think I've figured out the problem and resolved it but I noticed that several of the other motors have current monitoring on the HMI but the person who set this up is no longer with us. I'm wondering what I need besides an analog input for my control logix processor (which I have) to setup this project. I'm not sure if the other motors are just monitoring one leg of the 3 phases or if they are somehow showing total current? any ideas and recommendations would be greatly appreciated. thanks,
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