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Levent1970 last won the day on April 8 2019

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  1. I have to control an analog input, it's about a voltage that is present there. As an example, the axle should go higher as soon as the Voltage is less and lower when it becomes more.
  2. Hi Guys, How can I bring an axis into permanent control? that as soon as a value changes, the axis reacts. My Hardware FX5U, FX5SSC MR-JE-20B. Thanks a lot.
  3. OK, the Function was Joging but i found the problem, the problem was the other part of my Program, i deleted some functions and it works now.Thanks Gambit!!!
  4. Hello Guys, I have a problem with my Screenbuttons, if i push them, my drive moves only an Impulse. I see on the Simple-Motion Module that the Signal is during pushing the screenbutton is active, but the Axis moves only an Impulse. In example M400 is for drive the 2nd Axis to the right side and M405 for the left side. My Hardware is: FX5U, GOT2000 (GT2505HS-VTBD)
  5. Hello Guys, is someone using HOURM as a Retentive Counter ? I Tried it but i have no success. like this one: HOURM( Betriebsstundenzaehler_ein , 700, Betriebsstundenzaehler , Platzhalter1 ); I'm using FX5U. Our old Programm was written in Ladder.
  6. If you have on both Modules the MS in Green, your Communication is OK. My Example: Open your Communication with the Ethernet-IP Module FX5ENETIP_1.bSet_CommunicationStartupRequest_D:=TRUE; Send Words: U2\G60001:= Value_Current; //My Module is the 2.nd Intelligent Module, use "U1" for 1.st Send Bits: U2\G60007.1:= Lamp_Welding; Receive Words: Value_Current_from_TP := U2\G12000; Receive Bits: bPowder_On_Button:= U2\G12019.2 You can Take in FX5-ENET_IP Users Manual Page 147 the Adresses for Class1 input ( Input starts with Un\G12000 and ends Un\G14999) and Class1 output [ Output from Un\G60000 to Un\G62999)
  7. OK it Works, it was a Bit by Initializing :) How can i set a 3rd Position like a "Parkposition" in my List? Its only a Position, which my Axis drives after Start to there and if its done with the Oscillation between Start and Endposition (List Pos. 11 and 12) it drives again to my Parkposition.
  8. Thanks Gambit, I started to use the FB s from Mitsubishi, I'm not so Familar with the MC FB, I found out how i can send my Axis to the Position, my problem is, i cant do it again. I have to restart the PLC to drive it once time to this position. DMOV( TRUE , INT_TO_DINT(Sollgeschwindigkeit_TP_P_Achse) , U1\G7104 ); //Startposition Geschwindigkeit DMOV( TRUE , INT_TO_DINT(Sollgeschwindigkeit_TP_P_Achse) , U1\G7114 ); //Endposition Geschwindigkeit DMOV( TRUE , INT_TO_DINT(Sollgeschwindigkeit_TP_P_Achse) , U1\G7084 ); //Parkposition Geschwindigkeit DMOV( TRUE , REAL_TO_DINT(Parkposition_TP_P_Achse /1.3103) , U1\G7086 ); DMOV( TRUE , REAL_TO_DINT(Startposition_TP_P_Achse/1.3103) , U1\G7106 ); DMOV( TRUE , REAL_TO_DINT(Endposition_TP_P_Achse/1.3103) , U1\G7116 ); M_FX5SSC_StartPositioning_Ax2(i_bEN:= Schweissen_ein OR Taster_Schweissen_Ein AND P_Achse_Referenziert ,i_stModule:= FX5SSC_1 ,i_uAxis:= 2 ,i_uStartNo:= 11 ,o_bOK=> StartPosition_OK ); Achse2_InPosition:=U1\G2517.F; Achse2_InArbeit:=U1\G31501.1;
  9. Hi Friends. I need some Help with Positioning. I'm using the FX5U PLC and the FX5-40SSC "Simple" Motion Controller with Servo MR-JE-20B and Servo Motor HG-KN23K which is controlling a Linear Guide. The JOG Modus is Working, Home Position is Working too, but I cant Programm a Position where the Motor have to Drive. I hope someone can Help. Part of My Program looks like: FX5SSC_1.stsysctrl_d.bPLC_Ready_D:=TRUE; FX5SSC_1.stSysMntr2_D.bReady_D:=TRUE; M_Ax1_PLC_Ready:=TRUE; M_Ax2_PLC_Ready:=TRUE; M_Ax3_PLC_Ready:=TRUE; IF FX5SSC_1.stSysMntr2_D.bReady_D THEN FX5SSC_1.stSysCtrl_D.bAllAxisServoOn_D:=TRUE; END_IF; IF M_Ax2_Error_Reset THEN MOV( bEnable OR PLC_1st_scan , K0 , K4M700 ); M_FX5SSC_OperateError_Ax2 (i_bEN:= TRUE ,i_stModule:= FX5SSC_1 ,i_uAxis:= 2 ,i_bErrReset:= M_Ax2_Error_Reset ,o_bModuleErr=> bEnable ,o_uModuleErrId=> D_Ax2_Operate_Error); END_IF; IF P_Achse_HomeDrive THEN M_FX5SSC_StartPositioning_Ax2(i_bEN:= P_Achse_HomeDrive ,i_stModule:= FX5SSC_1 ,i_uAxis:= 2 ,i_uStartNo:= 9001 , o_bOK=> bEnable1 ,o_bErr=> bEnable2); RST( bEnable1 OR bEnable2 , P_Achse_HomeDrive ); P_Achse_Referenziert:=TRUE; RST( TRUE , Referenzfahrt_TP_Ein_Aus ); RST( TRUE , Fehleranzeige_P_Achse_nicht_Ref ); END_IF; SpeicherP1:= REAL_TO_INT (Startposition_TP_P_Achse); M_FX5SSC_SetPositioningData_Ax2(i_bEN:= Beginne_FahrtP ,i_stModule:= FX5SSC_1 ,i_uAxis:= 2 ,i_uDataNo:= 1); M_FX5SSC_StartPositioning_Ax2(i_bEN:= Beginne_FahrtP ,i_stModule:= FX5SSC_1 ,i_uAxis:= 2 ,i_uStartNo:= 1); M_FX5SSC_ChangeSpeed_Ax2(i_bEN:= Beginne_FahrtP ,i_stModule:= FX5SSC_1 ,i_uAxis:= 2 ,i_udSpeedChangeValue:= 100); M_FX5SSC_ChangePosition_Ax2(i_bEN:= Beginne_FahrtP ,i_stModule:= FX5SSC_1 ,i_uAxis:= 2 ,i_dTargetNewPosition:= REAL_TO_DINT(Startposition_TP_P_Achse) ,i_udTargetNewSpeed:= INT_TO_DWORD(Fahrgeschwindigkeit_TP_P_Achse)); IF StartPAxis THEN FX5SSC_1.stnAxCtrl1_D[1].dTargetNewPosition_D:=REAL_TO_DINT(Endposition_TP_P_Achse); FX5SSC_1.stnAxCtrl2_D[1].uPositioningStart_D:=1; END_IF;
  10. Open your Communication with the Ethernet-IP Module FX5ENETIP_1.bSet_CommunicationStartupRequest_D:=TRUE; Send Words: U2\G60001:= Value_Current; //My Module is the 2.nd Intelligent Module, use "U1" for 1.st Send Bits: U2\G60007.1:= Lamp_Welding; Receive Words: Value_Current_from_TP := U2\G12000; Receive Bits: bPowder_On_Button:= U2\G12019.2 Use an EDS file like the attached one in your Ethernet Configuration Tool (See recent Posts from me) ex260_sen1_2_3_4_22_v21.zip
  11. Try this: Local Label: StartBit Bit VAR TimerStart TON VAR OKBit Bit VAR ProgramBody: TimerStart(IN:= StartBit ,PT:= t#2s ,Q=> OKBit)
  12. Why you dont use IF ..... THEN ? like: IF ConfirmationSignal THEN NextStep:=TRUE; ELSE NextStep:=FALSE; END_IF; IF NExtStep THEN NExtNextStep:=TRUE; ELSE NExtNextStep:=FALSE; END_IF;
  13. I Give you here what i found out: For Open the Communication with the Module: M_FX5ENETIP_ConnectionOpen_00A_1(i_bEN:= TRUE ,i_stModule:= FX5ENETIP_1 ,i_uConnectionNo:= 1); To Write WORDs TO the Module M_FX5ENETIP_Class1SetOutputData_00A_1(i_bEN:= TRUE ,i_stModule:= FX5ENETIP_1 ,i_uConnectionNo:= 1 ,i_uOutputData:= D0 ); To Read WORDs FROM the Module M_FX5ENETIP_Class1GetInputData_00A_1(i_bEN:= TRUE ,i_stModule:= FX5ENETIP_1 ,i_uConnectionNo:= 2); To the Robot from the Module: FX5ENETIP_1.unVal_Class1OutputDataOffset_Connection_D[1] := INT_TO_WORD(EIP_Istwert_Strom); FX5ENETIP_1.unVal_Class1OutputDataOffset_Connection_D[2] := DINT_TO_WORD(REAL_TO_DINT(EIP_Istwert_Spannung)); FX5ENETIP_1.unVal_Class1OutputDataOffset_Connection_D[3] := INT_TO_WORD(EIP_Errechneter_Sollwert_Pulvermenge); From the Robot to the Module EIP_Sollwert_Transferstrom := WORD_TO_INT(FX5ENETIP_1.unVal_Class1InputDataOffset_Connection_D[2]); EIP_Sollwert_Pulvermenge := WORD_TO_INT(FX5ENETIP_1.unVal_Class1InputDataOffset_Connection_D[3]); I cant Test it and I need a Solution to Send and Receive my Bit`s with the Robot.
  14. Thank you !!! have you a Link for the EDS file of the R30iB ?
  15. I got the Parts today, after Update my new FX5U to 1.110, no Errors now. The EthernetIP Configuration Tool have found the ENET/IP Module. Now, how can I Share my In and Outputs over the ENET/IP Module with the Fanuc?
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