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  1. Hello My emulator go to fault state as soon as it goes online and runs (Within a second) and the following error Code 01, (May have been caused by an infinite loop, a complex program, or a higher priority task.) The same logic runs perfectly fine on a colleague's laptop I'm using RS Logix 5000 V30.00 Emulator V30.00.01 Running on Virtual Machine, Windows 7 Host system specs are: 8 GB RAM Core i5 CPU @ 1.80GHz Socket 1 Cores 2 Logical Processor 4 Windows 10 Virtual Machine's specs: 4 GB RAM Number of Processors: 2 Number of Cores per Processor: 2 Kindly suggest a suitable solution, what is the possible cause of this fault. Thank You
  2. Hi, I've design a program on Unity Pro XL v13. Unfortunately, now i have to open this on Unity Pro XL Version 11. Is there any way to transfer my project from V13 to V11. There is some compatibility issue. Need Help.
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