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Janaka Angampitiya

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    Sri Lanka

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  1. So, I have a Siemens S7300 CPU314 PLC and Omron NB10W HMI. Now I want to communicate between this device. I have a Siemens Profibus DP connector. so, can I connect this bus connector through Omron NB HMI? what is the use protocol? How to connect between hardware? 9 Pin D Connector connection on two sides? Please help me.
  2. Dear Mr, We have a PLC ( CP1H) and an Ethernet option board ( CP1W-CIF41 ) operating in an apart location, and we need to connect this PLC with an HMI (which is located in a separate place) (NB10W-TW01B) via the internet (wirelessly). we do have separate internet connections in both locations. Does HMI have a Router Number? Can you please give us the procedures and guidelines to connect the PLC and HMI? Thank you.
  3. Please send me your .cxp file. I don't know how to use this FB function.
  4. Hello, I have Three CP1H PLC with Cj1w scu31-v1. I need to send a Modbus command SCU unit through Modbus RTU compatible power meter. I use instruction TXDU and CMND but it's not working. My PLC Arrangement CP1H PLC - CP1H-X40DT1-D ver. 1.3 Option Board 1 mounted Cp1w-CI41 to NB HMI its work Option Board 2 Mounted CP1W-CIF12-V1 to PLC 1, PLC 2 and PLC 3 between communication Serial gateway mode it is work. CJ1W SCU31-V1 (ver.1.3) and Modbus compatible Power meter it's not working. Please help to how to connected and what is the use of instructions for this case. Prasad.
  5. Ok, I will Try according to your instruction.
  6. Dear Sir, I want to control Haydruluic valve(Input - Water level , Two Digital Output- Valve Open and close) use by PID Instruction through CJ1M(CPU22) PLC. Did you anyone example file for about this application. Pls help me. Thank you.
  7. Hi All, I want to simple PIDAT function example for Hydraulic valve control to digital output by Omron CJ1M(CPU22). Thanka.
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