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  1. Hi IO_Rack, Thanks for your quick reply. The touch screen seems to malfunction already. All attempts to upload the program using NTST weren't successful. Hope to receive some more thoughts. Thanks in advance.
  2. Hi all, My customer sent me a HMI project file for NT20-ST121B to convert the screen data to a newer series. Problem is the project file was created by DOS software and NT-Series Support Software cannot open it directly. So when I used Import function to import the project file (with .m2s extension) to NT-Series Support Software, the following error appeared: The error message didn't give me any hint as to how to import it. I guess it has something to do with Direct Access version of the program. So I tried NTS233 for DOS to open it. But it reported an error like this: Can anyone give me a hint? Thanks a lot.
  3. Hi all, My customer sent me a HMI project file for NT20-ST121B to convert the screen data to a newer series. Problem is the project file was created by DOS software and NT-Series Support Software cannot open it directly. So when I used Import function to import the project file (with .m2s extension) to NT-Series Support Software, the following error appeared: The error message didn't give me any hint as to how to import it. I guess it has something to do with Direct Access version of the program. So I tried NTS233 for DOS to open it. But it reported an error like this: Can anyone give me a hint? Thanks a lot.
  4. Sorry, I cannot see download link in this post. Can author or someone locate the link?
  5. Anybody with an idea? Thanks
  6. Hi, I'm having a NP5-SQ00B and needs to connect it to an 3G3MX inverter to read and change inverter speeds in Modbus mode. Does anyone having a sample screen or guide, pls help. Many thanks.
  7. Hi all, I'm doing a project that involves RS422/485 communications over distance of 400m. Is that possible to use LAN cable Cat 5 for such application? If anybody has practical experience with this, pls share your thoughts. Many thanks.
  8. Of course I checked on this optiion, but problem still occurs. I'm fixing the PLC program side due to the different in PT Control/Notify area structure.
  9. Thanks for all your contribution. Since this area is used for both PT notify & PT control, I found a way to know it by detecting the screen switch strobe and then check the PT Status Control Area.
  10. Hi, I'm having a NT31C touch screen, connecting to a C200HE PLC CPU. My task is let the PLC know which screen number on NT31C is being displayed. NT30C, the previous version of NT31C, has a PT Status Notify Area where it writes the current screen number being displayed to the designated host PLC word. But NT31C doesnt. Can anyone help urgently. Thanks.
  11. Thanks. Can we make this cable ourselves? Does it have any electronics like an adapter?
  12. Hi, I'm having a A1SHCPU and GX-Developer software V8, but dont know how to handle it. Anyone pls give me some guide about what cable I need to connect my PC to PLC to upload program inside the CPU for backup. Many thanks.
  13. I actually did the conversion, but it turned out not so simple, even though the method is straightforward. There are some differences btw the 2 models that you have to handle it manually. Problems will become bigger if the PLC side has some code to control the screens.
  14. Hi All, I am converting a NT30C-ST141B-E to NT31C-ST143B-EV3. Anyone has any guide or experience, pls share with me. Many thanks indeed!
  15. I'm still curious, Is there any reason that it has to be 0.75 sqmm? Because in communications, impedance, capacitance and noise shielding are key points. Anyway, practical experience and test makes more sense
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